Daily Travel Photo: The Flower of Sao Paulo
The Set Up
Sao Paulo, Brazil is knocked often in the world as being a fairly boring city with little to do; it is “just a city.” However, I found a number of things to do in Sao Paulo. One of those things was a stroll around Parque Ibirapuera which is full of birds, nice trails, and people jogging along. There are also some nice gardens if you’re a bit of a flower lover. I’m not sure what kind of flower this is in the photo, but it’s certainly photogenic.
The Photograph
This was one of those shots that I didn’t realize I liked until I got it on the computer. I guess it all just looked too small on my lcd. I love the composition of it, and how it looks so large scale. Note, don’t delete images until they are on the computer screen.
You don’t need a macro lens to get these shots. I shot this at 18mm, with an aperture of f/3.5 at an exposure time of 1/320 seconds, ISO 100.
What did I miss?
On Friday I published a photo essay on an amazingly photogenic library in Rio de Janeiro. Of course, there’s also a bunch of photos of Brazil here. I’ve yet to be to a part of Brazil that isn’t photogenic. There’s an image to be found in every city, landscape and park.