Manchester Kind of Sucks Brendan Van Son·April 10, 2012Still on a high from the amazing city of Edinburgh, and more than slightly hungover after my epic...Travel Photography Blog·24 Comments·0·272 views
Why you Don’t Need to Buy a New Camera Brendan Van Son·April 2, 2012Through my years travelling, I’m always surprised how many entry level DSLR and mirrorless cameras there are out...Photography·35 Comments·0·2267 views
Feeling Like Harry Potter at the Glasgow Necropolis Brendan Van Son·March 29, 2012I was pleasantly surprised by Glasgow. It seemed to have an interesting vibe to it. Many people see...Photography·17 Comments·0·613 views
A Black Cab Tour of Belfast for Photography and History Brendan Van Son·March 27, 2012As a younger version of myself I remember hearing the stories of Northern Ireland and of Belfast. Those...Travel Photography Blog·11 Comments·0·78 views
Photos of Howth, Ireland Brendan Van Son·March 22, 2012Perhaps wearily still feeling the effects of jetlag in Dublin, I really needed to escape the city for...Photography·14 Comments·0·58 views
Dublin Bridge in HDR Brendan Van Son·March 18, 2012Dublin: the little village that thinks it’s a city. Or maybe it’s the other way around; I’m not...Photography·9 Comments·0·48 views
Destination Wedding Photography: Dominican Republic Brendan Van Son·February 22, 2012I am not a wedding photographer, nor have I ever shot a wedding. But when my sister asked...Photography·24 Comments·0·50 views
Getting Lost in White Sands National Monument Brendan Van Son·February 5, 2012As the bright desert sky turns a soft tone and dances in a range of burnt red colours...PhotographyTravel Photography Blog·10 Comments·0·29 views
An Ode to my Old Passport Brendan Van Son·December 19, 2011I still remember the day I picked you up at the government office in Calgary all those years...Travel Photography Blog·6 Comments·0·137 views
I was Robbed in Ecuador Brendan Van Son·November 22, 2011I feel like I’m going to puke… I can’t see a way that I won’t puke. I just...Travel Photography Blog·137 Comments·0·1361 views
Las Lajas Sanctuary: South America’s Most Beautiful and Unheard of Church Brendan Van Son·November 8, 2011The taxi driver mumbles “down there” in short quick Spanish while pointing down the hill and looking at my...Photography·28 Comments·0·1114 views
Dolphins are Better off in Captivity Brendan Van Son·October 31, 2011Before this post, I will tell you that I fully intended this title to be written in “sarcastic”...Travel Photography Blog·34 Comments·1·1230 views
Wildlife Photo: Lion Profile Brendan Van Son·October 21, 2011My feet have felt extra itchy of late, and I know what did it to me. It was...Photography·14 Comments·0·551 views
A Night at Costa Rica’s Famous Brothel Brendan Van Son·October 18, 2011I have spent a lot of time in San Jose, but had an extra day and night to...Travel Photography Blog·68 Comments·1·46521 views