Like happens so often, someone from the community gave me a pretty good idea.
A viewer over on my YouTube channel asked me if I’d be willing to send him a postcard. As you might know, I’m printing postcards for my coffee shop and gallery here in Lagos, Portugal. I think they’ve actually come out pretty cool. Definitely different than your typical tourist postcards.
So, when Brandon – the mentioned viewer – mentioned that he wanted a postcard it sprung an idea to life.
Why don’t I send YOU a postcard.

How They Are Shipped/Packed
I want to be clear, this isn’t some sort of fancy-packed postcard. This will be sent by regular mail, with a stamp from the post office. It’ll likely also have any post stamps written on it during its travels to get to you.
The postcards will, however, include a hand written note from me and a signature. So, if you’re into collecting that sort of stuff, it might be a cool little thing to add to your collection. Or, at very least a fun way to connect.
I’m so excited to connect with the community and see some of the places these postcards end up!

Postcard Options
Right now I’m just offering 4 different choices. But, I’m going to make this a monthly thing. There will be the “postcard of the month” moving forward. That postcard might come from Portugal, or wherever I’ve travelled that month.
The choices this month are in the gallery below.
The postcards are all below. I’ve given you 5 different options to choose from. They are some of my favourite images from Portugal.
As for the price, I’ve left that up to – essentially. Each postcard has a price option. The product you receive doesn’t change at all. You get the same postcard regardless. It just lets you decide how much you want to spend. Essentially, the prices are from 2 Euros (my break even price) to 10 Euros.
The other way you can get a post card is by joining my YouTube channel community memberships. All levels will be offered a free postcard in the month of March. You can sign up as a member here.
When do I get my Postcard?
The plan is to do a postcard run on the 15th of each month. So as long as you order by then, it should arrive by the end of the month – as long as you don’t live on the top of a mountain in Tibet.
Thanks for your support, and see you soon!