If you’ve been following the blog for the past couple of months you know that I’ve been doing a lot of stuff with Photoshop Elements 11. I started things off with a tilt-shift guide, then did other things like an HDR image in Photoshop Elements 11. It’s been fun, and I hope you’ve all learned quite a bit through the process. But like all things, this Photoshop Elements 11 thing has come to an end. The good news is, it’s been replaced by the updated version of Photoshop 12, which I’ve been playing with for a couple days now. I love it.
Anyways, to launch the product, Photoshop Elements has been nice enough to give me three copies of the new product to giveaway.
Wahoo, free stuff!
But first, I’m going to give you a bit of a walk through my favourite new feature which makes this a really nice upgrade.
Mobility with Adobe Revel
For me, the best part of the new upgrade is the “mobility” of files. As more and more people shoot images, and work on smartphones and tablets, they want their files on the move with them. Moreover, you can view files stored on the system online, which is really handy for someone who is constantly on the go like myself.
Basically, when you enter the organizer for Elements 12 you’ll see the “Media” option. There, you’ll be able to set up mobile albums which will sync via the cloud to your smartphone using an app called Adobe Revel. Basically, all your photos available on your computer can also be made available via your smartphone or tablet. Of course, vice-versa is also possible.
If you want to view photos online, or share them with someone else, you can do so at adoberevel.com as well. This is a great option for someone like me who might want to share a series of photos with someone. You’ll choose the sharing option in the media file and then it will give you a link to either show off your images or even make them available for download to someone viewing the link on the other end.
If you’re constantly on the run like I am, the best feature of the new Photoshop Elements 12 is the ease in which you can access files on various platforms.

The Contest
The giveaway for one of the 3 free copies of Photoshop Elements 12 is easy. Basically, I’ve set up a rafflecopter contest and it will work like a good old fashioned raffle. The difference is that you don’t buy tickets, but instead earn them by completing certain social media tasks.
The contest ends a week from today (Oct. 25th) so enter now!